2023-09-15 21:43:11

  • 贵州省清镇市麦格苗族布依族乡,是典型的少数民族聚居区。散居在这里的人群,主要是苗族支系之一——四印苗。他们的服饰有很鲜明的特色,服饰靓丽,刺绣精巧。上衣的胸前、后背及两袖上各缀有一个用五色丝线挑花而成的正方形图案,恍若四尊大印,古朴迷离。

    Located in Qingzhen, a county-level city under the administration of Guiyang, capital of Guizhou Province, the Maige Miao and Bouyei ethnic township is a region mainly inhabited by the “Four Seals Miao”, a branch of the Miao people. Their clothing has distinctive features, with a five-color square pattern embroidered on the chest, the back and two sleeves of the upper garment. The four square patterns look like four seals, mysterious and ancient.


    The Four Great Seals are the symbol of the Four Seals Miao people. Through the patterns on the seals, the Four Seals Miao people have captured the history of their origin, migration and survival. These patterns demonstrate the artistic quality of the Four Seals Miao’s splendid attire and the superb embroidery skills of the Four Seals Miao women. They also serve as the “living fossil” of the long history and splendid culture of the Four Seals Miao people.


    The Four Seals Miao people use four types of embroidery techniques, namely lock embroidery, sticking, net embroidery and cross-stitching. Net embroidery and lock embroidery are the two main methods, while cross-stitching is more commonly used in modern tailoring. The whole outfit of the Four Seals Miao includes a head scarf, an upper garment and a dress, all of which are handmade. Strenuous effort is required by those who wish to become a master of the embroidery techniques of the Four Seals Miao people. Only when these techniques have inheritors, can ethnic traditions be passed down.


    Of great historical, cultural, social and artistic values, the making of the Four Seals Miao’s clothing not only shows the Miao women’s artistic talent, but also serves as an effective tool to carry on the traditional culture of the Four Seals Miao. As a migrating ethnic group, the Four Seals Miao people regard clothing as a special bond and the patterns on their clothing as a special language. It is their clothing that gives them a sense of unity and belonging and the patterns on their clothing that help bind them closer together.








    距离开展:10 天!


    编辑:张映娟  肖蕊    

    责编:许丹  刘庚




    投稿联系电话:3634621  投稿邮箱:2032875561@qq.com
